Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area 2021 Grant Cycle Opens April 1, 2020


Grants awarded from Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area (SdCNHA) are intended to encourage local cultural and historic heritage preservation activities, educational programs, and support Heritage Tourism within the heritage area. Our past grantees have used grant funds to restore historic buildings; provide historical and cultural interpretation; restore or promote scenic, artistic and recreational resources; and to document culturally significant components of the way of life in the heritage area. Heritage area grants are available to local schools, municipalities, and non-profits annually. Development projects involve excavation, preservation, stabilization, restoration, rehabilitation, or reconstruction of a designated property or site.  The heritage area encompasses the counties of Alamosa, Conejos and Costilla.  Three successful projects who have received SdCNHA grant funds in the past are:


Rehabilitation and Restoration of the Denver and Rio Grande Depot in Antonito, Colorado

– The exterior rehabilitation of the historic Denver and Rio Grande Depot at Antonito, included stucco repair and stone repointing, lighting was restored and new low-profile, wood storm windows were fabricated and installed over the restored historic wood windows. The Denver and Rio Grande Depot at Antonito was placed on Colorado’s Most Endangered List in 2007.  And is now listed as SAVED!!!


The Emperius Block Exterior Rehabilitation- The historic Emperius Building has been an anchor of Alamosa downtown since 1908.  La Puente, a nonprofit serving the San Luis Valley, uses this prime location of the building for their social enterprise, Milagros Coffeehouse. The exterior of the Emperius building was restored to its original appearance; bringing attention to a time of great change in the diverse history of Alamosa. This location is attractive to travelers, preserves history, and enhances downtown Alamosa.

Alamosa Masonic Hall Preservation and Rehabilitation-
The historic Alamosa Masonic Hall project installed wooden storefronts based on the original 1887 design on the Main Street level and returned the harmony of the lower and upper stories to the façade.  This project represents the most substantial investment in façade preservation in historic downtown Alamosa. Built in 1887 with a large addition constructed in 1922, the expansive structure is one of the oldest and most prominent in Alamosa and represents the beginnings of its downtown.



For more information on the efforts and mission of the SdCNHA, or to see more completed projects in our 10 Year Report, visit our website, We invite and encourage you to apply for our 2021 grant cycle! Special consideration will be given to grant applications with focus on outdoor recreation, land stewardship, and business development. Please contact us, if you have an idea for a grant or have any questions about the grant process at email us at, call us at (719) 580-7366 or visit our office located at 623 4th Street in Alamosa.


2021 GRANT CYCLE OPENS: April 1, 2020.