Iglesia de San Pedro y San Pablo
Iglesia de San Pedro y San Pablo is significant for Hispanic Heritage as the communal gathering place for the communities of San Pedro and San Pablo. The 1933 church remains the location for
Sociedad de Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno (San Francisco Morada)
This circa 1908 building represents an important aspect of Hispano history in southern Colorado. The building reflects the limited religious and governmental support in poor rural areas of
Iglesia de San Francisco de Assisi
Iglesia de San Francisco de Assisi is significant for Hispanic Heritage as the central gathering place for the community of San Francisco (La Valley).
Capilla de Viejo San Acacio
The Capilla de Viejo San Acacio is the oldest continually used non-Native American religious space in Colorado. As the symbolic and actual center of the Viejo San Acacio community
Capilla de San Isidro
Capilla de San Isidro was the social and religious center of the Los Fuertes community and is still used for community gatherings. Originallly it was a single story Hispanic Adobe
Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción
Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción was built in 1938 after the original church burned down in 1935. A community baseball team called the Chama Kitos sold game tickets to raise money under the
St. Joseph’s Church
Saint Joseph’s Church was considered significant for its contribution to broad patterns of history for the Hispanic and Catholic populations in Colorado. It also embodies distinctive archi
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in the small community of Conejos, though considered Colorado’s oldest Catholic parish, it had not officially been listed in the National Register of Historic Places